"Arguably the single most important county in the single most important state in the most important election in a century is Duval County."
-- Dean Black, Duval County GOP Chair
Up on Last Week's BAM Meeting
For those of you who couldn't join our Zoom last Thursday night, the quote above is from an NPR story on how important not just Florida but specifically Duval County may be to the November election. Our meeting gave a speed tour of all the ways you can help turn Duval and Florida blue in 2020 - support for individual candidates, phone- and text-banking, Voter Protection training and more. Visit our website, pick your job, and let's get busy!
Tuesday, August 18 - VOTE!
If you've been waiting for election day to cast your vote, be sure you get to the polls on Tuesday. If you voted by mail, check to be sure your vote has been counted. If you discover questions have been raised, we can help "cure" the problem. Write us at beachesactivistmovement@gmail.com.
Tuesday, August 18 - 9-10 am - THRIVE
Join a virtual celebration of 100 years of Women's Suffrage, and the 25th anniversary of the Women's Center of Jacksonville. State Attorney Melissa Nelson will give the keynote and Delores Barr Weaver will be honored. It's a good time to celebrate strong women. The event is free. Register here.
Save the Post Office!
The President has made it very clear he wants to suppress the vote in November and his Postmaster General seems to be taking steps to undermine the Post Office just when more Americans than ever plan to vote by mail. As Pelosi calls the House back into session to consider legislation to counter the destructive management of the P.O., write Bill Rutherford and our two Senators and demand they protect this most popular of governmental functions and protect Americans' right to vote safely in November. While you're at it, copy the Postal Service Board of Governors, too. Click here for their addresses and a sample letter on this issue.
Friday, August 21 - 4:00 - 6:00 PM Rally for Biden-Harris
Join BAM, NOW, Beaches Democratic Club and others to make some noise at the close of the Democratic Convention about the ticket we all hope will put the United back in United States! See the invitation below. Click here to RSVP. See you there