Duval Call to Action
In little more than a year Florida voters will be choosing whether or not to re-elect Gov DeSantis & Senator Rubio. At the national level, hard fought House & Senate races could significantly shift the balance of power in both houses of Congress and the shape of American democracy going forward.
With so much on the line, BAM is shifting into higher gear. At next week's meeting we'll give you the latest on the strategy to turn Duval bluer in 2022 - and how you can help with:
Voter Registration
Vote-by-Mail (VBM) renewals*
Lobbying our Florida delegation
Influencing the wider community through Letters to the Editor - and more.
*Postcard with us now!
We'll be promoting VBM with text- and phone-banking later this fall, but BAM is preparing a postcarding campaign right now to reach out to 1,500 Dems in our area whose VBM registration has lapsed. The cards are preprinted with the info needed. All you need to do is address & stamp them. If you can help, email us today and plan to pick up your supplies this coming Monday or Tuesday.
Meet City Council Candidate Tracye Polson
While Duval County is still mourning the death of Tommy Hazouri, the race to fill his At-large Council seat is approaching fast, with an initial vote scheduled for December 7.
Given how important Hazouri's voice was on issues like the JEA sale and Lot J, the selection of a successor to serve the balance of his term is obviously a significant choice for the city's future. Join us Thursday night and get to know candidate Tracye Polson.
Duval Democrats were impressed in 2018 by Polson's campaign for House District 15, when she came within 1,200 votes of winning a district Republicans have traditionally held with little effort. Take a look at her website & her platform and come to our meeting with your questions about her priorities and vision. And invite any friends you have who also care about where Jacksonville is headed. RSVP here to get Zoom information.