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Action Alert - June 27, 2022

Writer: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

"For the first time in our history, rather than conveying rights, the court has explicitly taken a constitutional right away from the American people."

Finding Hope In a Post-Roe World

On June 24, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating abortion protection at the federal level and throwing the issue back to the states. If we ever needed strong proof that elections matter - this is it. Now what?

First, and most importantly, we must win more elections. Regrettable as this decision is, polls show the Court may have handed Democrats a powerful tool for winning the upcoming midterms. So let's get busy.

  • A first step we can all take is to activate our personal networks. Reach out to like-minded friends, family members & neighbors. Make sure they understand the stakes of this year's midterm elections. Make sure they are registered to vote now and know.

  • Donate to state legislative races. As the fight for abortion rights moves to state legislatures, 23 states have already banned abortion entirely and more are likely to follow. Emily's List has created a fund supporting 9 pro-choice candidates in states where abortion rights could be saved. The States Project is another national group focusing on state legislative races that can help shift governing majorities.

  • Donate to national legislative races. To make change at the national level (either to codify Roe's protections or to change the size of the Supreme Court) Democrats must keep control of the House and expand their Senate majority to at least 54. Florida's Val Demings is one candidate who could help expand that majority. Here's at least one solid list of other Senate candidates who could make the critical difference. If you have others to recommend, email us at .

  • Saturday, July 2nd @ 9am. Beaches March for Women's Reproductive Rights. Join similarly angry neighbors this coming weekend. Meet at 3rd Street & Atlantic in Neptune Beach and bring a sign & a friend!

Look below for more of this week's actions and stay tuned to this newsletter as we work together to register, educate and turn out Duval voters.

Elizabeth Andersen's School Board Race Will Be Decided in Less Than 2 Months

Throughout her service on the Duval School Board, Elizabeth Andersen has demonstrated her commitment to quality education, sane Covid policies, and protecting the safety of all students. Those stands have earned her an opponent in her current bid for reelection who's been endorsed by Steve Bannon, Ron DeSantis, and Moms4Liberty. Most voters are NOT aware that this crucial race will be decided in the upcoming primary election on August 23. Help get the word out and help keep a leader in this vital role who shares our values. Ways you can help:

  • Thursday, June 30 @ 6 pm. Attend the Jacksonville Public Education Fund's Zoom Candidate Forum featuring these candidates. Register here. Then share what you learn with friends & neighbors.

  • Sunday, July 3 @ 2:30 pm. Join the Duval Dems and canvass Democrats in Elizabeth Andersen's district to get out the vote for her in August. Register here.

  • Visit Andersen's website to learn more about her background & priorities. If you like what you see, sign up as a volunteer, or donate to her campaign.

  • Host a yard sign to help get the word out about this critical, early race. If you want one or more, email us at and we'll deliver.

More Action Options This Week

As we all look for ways to channel our outrage toward righting the political balance in Florida, here are some other good options this week.

  • Monday, 6/27 - The Race for Jacksonville's Sheriff: Where does it go from here? The special election of our interim sheriff will be held on August 23, primary day. The Tributary, which broke the news that Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams no longer lived in Duval, is hosting a panel of experts to discuss the future of policing here at the Jesse Ball Dupont Center downtown at 5:30 pm. To join the conversation register here.

  • Tuesday, 6/28 - Josh Hicks Fundraiser @ 7 pm. Susan Hughes & Katherine Davidson are hosting meet & greet with City Council At-Large candidate Josh Hicks as he shares his fresh ideas, inspiration & hope for Jacksonville's future. 544 Atlantic Beach Court, in the Atlantic Beach Country Club. RSVP here. Or call 904-465-1761 for more information. To donate click here.

  • Tuesday, 6/28 - Statewide Indivisible Florida Taskforce (SWIFT) Zoom @ 4-5 PM. Indivisible groups across the state will discuss how the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade affects Florida. In addition, WEN - the Duval Win Elections Network - will present the excellent WEN Messaging Guide that BAM helped create. Register here.

  • Thursday, 6/30 - Text out the Vote with Duval Dems. Turnout is critical to the nation's future - and many like-minded voters aren't even aware the midterm election is approaching. Help give them the information they need to be sure they vote. Register here.

Could Keeping Duval Blue Swing the Governor's Race?

If you haven't already seen it, this Washington Post article offers both hope and motivation to anyone who would like to deny Ron DeSantis a second term. A must-read. Then start making these points in conversations with friends & family.

More Important Reads

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Mid-terms are winnable if we act now!



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