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Pick Your Protest - March 10, 2025

Writer: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

Protect Our Right to Vote

On March 7, 1965, voting rights marchers protesting Alabama officials' refusal to let Black citizens register to vote were met by tear gas, billy clubs and extreme violence outside Selma, Alabama. The "Bloody Sunday" attack shocked the nation, and helped galvanize passage of the Voting Rights Act. Sixty years later, we again face serious threats to that most central element of American citizenship - the right to collectively choose our leaders, and so play an active role in defining what kind of a country we live in. Using false claims of election fraud, GOP leaders in Washington are proposing legislation that would make both voting and voter registration more difficult.

The SAVE Act is designed to stop people from voting by requiring a birth certificate (with a last name matching their current last name) or passport when people register to vote. This could block the votes of tens of millions of Americans, including married women who changed their names, immigrants, trans people, first-time voters, and anyone who's simply misplaced their birth certificate.

If you're already using 5Calls, this is a good time to reach out to our members of Congress and tell them you oppose this thinly veiled voter suppression measure.  Or learn more here and then reach out any way you prefer.

Tallahassee Week Two

In their first week in session, the Florida legislature wasted no time echoing their GOP counterparts in Washington -- launching a fast assault on citizen-led amendments. Our thanks to the many BAM members who reached out to the first committee considering HouseBill1205.  Sadly, our work is not done. That bill is advancing rapidly despite widespread public opposition, and the Senate's version, SB7016, will heard today by the Senate Ethics & Election Committee. For a detailed explanation of both bills and their implications, take 20 minutes and listen to this excellent podcast from journalist Jason Garcia. Gather your facts and then contact the Senators directly or click here to add your name to this open letter opposing these bills.

Protect Our State Parks. Help support the ”State Park Protection Act" (SB 80/HB 209), which aims to prevent DeSantis, or any future governor, from recklessly paving over our beloved state parks. Sign Progress Florida’s letter to legislators.

In 2025, BAM is concentrating our advocacy in 5 priority areas: Public Health & Reproductive Rights, Climate & Environment (and the erosion of Home Rule in both arenas), Education, Gun Control, and Democracy & Voting Rights. Click here to learn more about these priorities and ways to track bills and advocate for issues you care about. And take action today!

Let's Exercise Our Rights &

Help Flip the US House Blue

Celebrate Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month! Celebrate by attending these events at the Beach and

learning more about the history of the suffrage and early feminist movements in Jacksonville:

Pick Your Protest

If the news from Washington and Tallahassee is making you want to scream, DO SOMETHING instead! Nothing improves your mood or makes a stronger statement to our fellow citizens than showing up to express our views. This week has a number of good opportunities to stand up for what matters most to you.

  • Tuesday, March 11 - No Duval DOGE. Republican City Council member Ron Salem has called a meeting at 4 PM to discuss a local DOGE-like cost-cutting effort here in Duval. BAM and other like-minded groups are rallying at 3:30 to express our opposition both before and at the meeting.

  • March 15 - Postcard the President. In a campaign they call the Ides of Trump, numerous Indivisible chapters are hoping millions will “Write a postcard to President Donald Trump that publicly expresses your opposition to his words, behavior, and politics” and mail it on the 15th. Details here.

  • March 15 @1 PM. Duval Freedom to Vote Rally.Remember the incident at Beaches Library last year when a machete-carrying teen showed up at the polls? This gathering at the Duval State Attorneys Office, 311 W. Monroe St., JAX will protest the decision not to prosecute.

  • March 10+ - Save Wisconsin from Elon! If you're sticking to local politics, stop reading now, but if the idea of putting up grassroots resistance to another election buy by Elon Musk, read on. Musk has recently poured $5 million into an upcoming Supreme Court race in Wisconsin that this smart analysis describes as, "one of the few nationally significant elections on the calendar in 2025." As the April 1 date of this special election approaches, grassroots help is critical to write, call, donate and turn out voters unpersuaded by the billionaire's ads.  Click here to learn more.



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